Caregivers Support
Care Central VNA & Hospice is a not-for-profit home healthcare agency dedicated to providing quality care to the community, regardless of their ability to pay. We believe that ALL people have the right to the best healthcare possible, whatever their circumstances, and that they deserve to receive that care in the comfort and security of their homes whenever possible
Caregiver’s Support Groups
Fitchburg Meeting:
Where: Fitchburg Adult Day Health Center
481 Electric Ave., Fitchburg, MA
When: Last Wednesday of the month at 12:30pm
For more information, please call 978-342-9428
Athol Meeting:
Where: North Quabbin Adult Day Health Center
1471 Main Street Rear, Athol, MA (behind Dr. Funa’s Office)
When: 2nd Wednesday of the month from 3:00pm – 4:00pm
(This support group is specific to Alzheimer’s or related disorders)
For more information, please call 978-248-9470
We accept patients with insurance coverage through most HMO’s, as well as Medicare & Medicaid.
If you have any questions regarding coverage or a specific plan, please call:
Elizabeth Newton
Finance Department
978-632-1230, Ext. 388.