What a year 2020 has been for Care Central VNA & Hospice—full of changes and challenges! “We have come a long way since April 1, 2020 when VNA of Southern Worcester County merged with GVNA HealthCare to become Care Central VNA & Hospice,” said Elaine Fluet, President and CEO. “As the merger took place, we found ourselves having to instantly shift our focus to the care and safety of our patients and staff during the lock down phase of the pandemic,” she said. “Thinking back, if the pandemic was not enough, the staff in our Webster and Auburn branches embraced a new electronic medical record, a new payroll system, as well as changes in leadership, while simultaneously preparing many employees to work remotely on April 1st,” Fluet said. “Everyone quickly experienced the first team building exercise– redefining how we work together in remote settings,” she added.
“Our leadership team had to quickly come together as one agency to manage our response to COVID 19 for everyone’s safety, making it the immediate priority for our newly formed agency,” said Fluet. “To this day we still partake in our COVID calls with leadership to review the status of staff and patients, as well as hosting weekly calls where our staff get updates on DPH and CDC guidelines,” she said. “We are eternally grateful for the numerous community partners who supported us with PPE and community members who rallied for our healthcare workers and donated homemade masks for our clinician’s safety. We are so fortunate to live and work in the 98 communities we serve with so many caring and supportive individuals and companies,” she added.
“Aligning operations of the two entities continued slowly throughout the year with focused resources on managing during the pandemic. By last summer one phone system connected all Care Central branches, which was an important step in streamlining operations and further connecting our operations,” said Fluet. “By fall of 2020 the reorganization with a lean approach continued and has only increased momentum in 2021. Staff have integrated well, and we are proud to provide the same quality care previously delivered by the VNA of Southern Worcester County and GVNA HealthCare,” she said. “I truly believe that creativity and flexibility have been the keys to our successful integration. The past year was challenging for an organization in the “caring for people” business; however, we rose to the challenge and did it together! This statement has unique meaning – two high performing organizations came together and “Did it as one!” she added.
“I am privileged to work with so many healthcare heroes over the past year! With the support of an amazing leadership team and committed members of the Board of Directors we will continue to remain strong and provide the best care in the 98 communities we serve,” said Fluet.
For more information about Care Central VNA & Hospice and our diverse service line, please visit our website at www.carecentralvnahospice.org.