May 9, 2024 -The Volunteer-Run Diaper Pantry at Care Central VNA & Hospice, Inc., 34 Pearly Lane, Gardner celebrated its 10 Year anniversary on Thursday. The organization honored Karen Culkeen, who had the vision to establish the Diaper Pantry and has spent the past decade championing the effort, while also Directing the award winning Northern Worcester County Healthy Families Program. Karen and her team of dedicated Diaper Pantry volunteers, some who’ve been volunteering the over the entire 10 years, have distributed over 300,000 diapers to the smallest community members in our area of service. In attendance at the luncheon were Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson and Gardner City Councilor Dana Heath. A fabulous lunch was provided by Kro’s on the Common of Templeton.

Pictured: L->R
Dana Heath, Holly Chaffee, MSN, BSN, RN, President & CEO of Care Central VNA & Hospice, Inc., Karen Culkeen, Healthy Families Program Director and Diaper Pantry Manager.
Diaper Pantry Volunteers.